My Photo Books by Lina Scheynius en ligne
This edition has been revised,
edited and designed by the author
as an 11-book box set
With an essay by Joël Riff in a booklet
(Available to download here ⬅️)
11 books
Release date: December 2019
📰 “Lina Scheynius’ latest publication, My Photo Books, represents a document of contemporary womanhood.”
– AnOther Mag
🗞️ “With their pale, washed-out colours, these glancing images often seem to use light as a veil intervening between the viewer and the subject, or, on the contrary, as a luminous haze that envelops both the gaze and what it seeks out but in either case emphasizing atmosphere over fact. Scheynius is not documenting her life, it seems, so much as already recollecting it in the very present in which it is lived.”
– Barry Schwabsky, Border Crossings Magazine
🇬🇧 [About]
Taken between 1991 and 2018, these photographs offer us an unprecedented insight into the life of a 21st-century woman. Lina Scheynius, born in the 1980s, has relentlessly recorded with her film camera the scenes of her life, her friends, her loves. Between 2007 and 2019 she organized this intimate archive into 11 self-published books which have received international acclaim. Against a backdrop of social media and the digital self, Lina Scheynius imposes a sensitivity of a rare intensity, accessible here for the first time in its entirety.
“These books. My sketchbooks or notebooks. The space where I feel completely free to show my photographs the way I want to show it. A place where I can try out and experiment. Sometimes fall, sometimes surprise myself. Each book a testament of where I was and who I was when I made it.”
Lina Scheynius
🇨🇵 [À propos]
Prises entre 1991 et 2018, ces photographies nous offrent une traversée sans précédent de la vie d’une femme du XXIème siècle. Celle de Lina Scheynius, née dans les années 1980, qui a photographié sans relâche avec son appareil argentique les scènes de sa vie, ses amis, ses amours - tissant d’infinies variations de paysages, de corps et de gestes qui s’entremêlent. Entre 2007 et 2019 elle a organisé cette archive intime en 11 livres autopubliés, dévoilant un travail salué internationalement. À rebours des réseaux sociaux et du déversement digital de soi, Lina Scheynius impose une sensibilité d’une rare intensité, accessible ici pour la première fois en intégralité.
« Ces livres. Mes carnets où cahiers. L’espace où je me sens totalement libre de montrer mes photographies de la manière dont je veux les montrer. Un lieu ou je peux tenter et expérimenter. Parfois tomber, parfois me surprendre moi-même. Chaque livre témoigne de l’endroit où j’étais et de qui j’étais quand je l’ai fait. » Lina Scheynius